Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some Important points For PMT

Thyroxine reduces water reabsorption causing diuresis and parathormone increases renal tubular Calcium reabsorption.

glomerular membrane is 25 times more permeable than capillary.

area cribrosa is the apex of renal papilla,it opens directly into minor calyx.

The first receptor of the message from spinal nerves in the brain is medulla oblongata

Hypoglossal nerve originates from sides of medulla

cerebrum= telencephalon

Unipolar neurons occur in spinal cord

Myelenocoel is found in Medulla Oblongata

antedon belongs to Crinoidia,,,,this class includes sea lilies and feather stars

Ligament consist of yellow fibrous connective tissue

Liver fluke belongs to trematoda

Antherozoids of Marchantia are long curved and biflagellate

Meristele of fern is amphicribal

Butterfly belongs to Lepidoptera

C.B Bridges used bands for genetic mapping.

N. asia And N. Canada are Tundra

Diptera includes true flies among insects,,the hind wings are reduced to halters in these insects like Housefly, mosquito

Hymenoptera includes ants,bees, and wasp

Coleoptera is the largest order of includes all beetles.

Chairman_ Swadesh Vijay

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